- ✅ Enable
- ✅ Show category
- ✅ Show rarity
- ✅ Color by rarity
- ✅ Categories (Hat, Pants, Shirt, Backpack, Gun, Magazine, Food, Water and etc)
- ✅ Rarities (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical)
- ✅ Hide in battle mode
- ✅ Max. distance
- ✅ Weapon
- ✅ No recoil
- ✅ No spread
- ✅ No sway
- ✅ Extended melee
- ✅ Camera
- ✅ FOV changer
- ✅ Aspect ratio changer
- ✅ Free camera
- ✅ Zoom hack
- ✅ Increaser
- ✅ Increasr speed
- ✅ Anti spy (Turns off all cheat functions at the moment you're being followed)
- ✅ Long-range auto loot
- ✅ Show compass
- ✅ Unlock map
- ✅ Unlock thirdperson
- ✅ Disable exit timer
- ✅ Time changer
- ✅ Weather controller
- ✅ Enable
- ✅ Change sky color
- ✅ Change equator color
- ✅ Change ground color
- ✅ Change sun color
- ✅ Change rays
- ✅ Rays intensity
- ✅ Change fog
- ✅ Fog intensity
- ✅ Change cloud
- ✅ Cloud intensity