- ✅ Enabled | enable aimbot
- ✅ Aim key | aimbot trigger button
- ✅ Aim smooth | smooth aiming of the aimbot
- ✅ Aim radius | aimbot aiming radius
- ✅ This enabled | enabling ESP
- ✅ Bounding box | displaying a square on the opponent
- ✅ Show name | displaying the player's nickname
- ✅ Show weapon | displaying the player's current weapon
- ✅ Show health | display player's health
- ✅ Show distance | displaying the distance to the player
- ✅ Show animals | show animals
- ✅ Show vehicles | show vehicles
- ✅ Show loot | show loot
- ✅ Show ammunition | display ammunition (weapons, ammo, magazines, attachments, armor)
- ✅ Show special | display special items (keys, generators, filters, etc.)
- ✅ Show food | display food
- ✅ Loot distance | loot display distance limit
- ✅ Display distance | player display distance limit
- ✅ Apply misc | bind to activate misc. functionality
- ✅ Remove recoil | remove spread
- ✅ Remove spread | remove sway
- ✅ Remove sway | remove hand shaking
- ✅ Free camera | free camera