- ✅ Vector Aimbot - Vector Aimbot moves your aim to the enemy model
- ✅ Silent Aimbot - a powerful type of aim, your bullets hit the target in the FOV zone, but the sight and camera do not move
- ✅ Fov - the size of the aimbot's working area within which targets will be selected
- ✅ Show Fov (Color) - show the aim area as a circle around the sight, you can choose the color
- ✅ Bone - a part of the body that will be targeted by shots using an aim
- ✅ Force Bone - the ability to switch aim to another part of the body when holding down the selected key
- ✅ Hit Chance - chance to hit when using silent aim
- ✅ Aim Key - key bind for activating aimbot in cheat
- ✅ No Recoil - disable weapon recoil when shooting
- ✅ No Spread - disable the spread of bullets when shooting, all bullets fly exactly to one point
- ✅ No Ballistic - disables bullet ballistics when shooting, makes it easier to shoot at long distances
- ✅ Target Line - mark the current aimbot target with a line
- ✅ Target Line by Weapon Distance - change the color of the line to the target depending on the firing range of weapon
- ✅ Players ESP - wh displaying players
- ✅ Box (Filled) - wallhack in the form of boxes, you can fill the background of the box
- ✅ Distance - distance in meters to the WH targets
- ✅ Max Distance - limitation of the WH operating range
- ✅ Skeleton - wh in the form of skeletons
- ✅ Name - players' nicknames
- ✅ Item In Hand - an item in the character's hands
- ✅ Box Color By Weapon Distance - change the color of the player's box depending on the weapon's firing range
- ✅ Custom Colors - detailed color settings for different types of WH
- ✅ ESP Preview - a preview of your ESP settings can be viewed in the menu
- ✅ Teammates - allows you to add players to your friends list
- ✅ Zombies (Distance, Box, Name) - enable wh showing zombies
- ✅ Vehicles (Name, Distance, Unlocked, Fuel, Health, Energy) - display of transport with some filters
- ✅ Animals (Name, Distance) - esp showing wild animals
- ✅ Loot ESP (Name, Distance) - wallhack for displaying loot
- ✅ Item Filter by Rarity - filter items by rarity
- ✅ Item Filter By Category - filter items by category
- ✅ Custom Colors - customize colors for different types of ESP in this tab
- ✅ Max Distance - limit the range of different types of ESP from this tab