- ✅ Enable - enable ESP for various objects
- ✅ Object Name - names of displayed objects
- ✅ Distance - distance to resources
- ✅ Max Distance - range setting
- ✅ Colors - choose colors to your taste
- ✅ Ore (Stone, Metal, Sulfur) - display of ores
- ✅ Crates (Normal, Military, Elite, Bradley, Heli, Locked, Basic, Advanced) - containers (chests)
- ✅ Animals (Horse, Wolf, Bear, Boar) - wild animals
- ✅ Collectables (Hemp, Mushroom, Diesel Barrel, Berry Yellow/Blue/Red/White, Potato, Pumpkin, Corn) - collectibles in the world
- ✅ Deployables (Sleeping Bag, Tool Cupboard, Small/Large Wooden Box) - deployable objects
- ✅ Traps (Turret, Gun Trap, Samsite, Landmine, FlameTurret) - various traps and turrets
- ✅ Transport (Minicopter, Chinook Heli, Rawboat, Rhib, Scrap Helicopter, Patrol Helicopter, Bradley APC, Bicycle, Motorbike)
- ✅ Other (Dropped Items, Corpses, Supply Drop, Recycler, Tree Log, Loot Filter) - other things
- ✅ Raids (Timer, Object Setup) - display raids in real time
- ✅ Waypoints - the ability to create your own marks on the map using cheat
- ✅ Local Chams (Hand, Weapon, Style) - local player chams
- ✅ Last Death Position - Marks the last place of your death
- ✅ Debug Camera (Speed, Key) - the ability to switch to free flight mode, helps to inspect the bases of potential victims
- ✅ Bright Night - bright night mode, bright as day
- ✅ Change Time - ability to set any time of day
- ✅ Bright Caves - bright caves, light as in the open air
- ✅ Remove Layers - remove display of layers (water, buildings, sky, etc.)
- ✅ No Bob - disable weapon sway when moving
- ✅ No Lower - weapons are not hidden under you when moving/near walls
- ✅ Fast Loot - allows you to quickly drag and drop items
- ✅ Farm Assist - help in farming, aim at the nearest X when you farm resources
- ✅ Draw Closest Bonus - Show closest X for farming with ESP
- ✅ No Fall Damage - remove damage from falling from height
- ✅ Infinity Jump - endless jumps
- ✅ Shoot In Air - the ability to shoot while jumping
- ✅ Omni Sprint - full speed running in any direction
- ✅ Force Ladder - special movement animation
- ✅ No Player Collision - disables collision with players
- ✅ No Head Collision - your head goes through textures
- ✅ NoClip (Key, Speed) - free flight mode, like a debug camera, but you actually move
- ✅ Striptease Animation - moving with striptease animation, everyone sees it
- ✅ Fly Hack - allows you to fly