- ✅ Player ESP - wallhack showing players
- ✅ Monsters ESP - wh showing monsters
- ✅ Animals ESP - esp showing animals
- ✅ Lines - wh in the form of lines
- ✅ Distance - show distance to targets
- ✅ Player Info - show additional information about players
- ✅ Corpses - corpses of characters
- ✅ Boxes - boxes with loot
- ✅ Storage Boxes - storage boxes
- ✅ Unknown Objects - unknown objects
- ✅ Maximum ESP Distance - limit the range of ESP operation
- ✅ Active Aimbot - enable/enable aimbot
- ✅ Aimbot Key - the key that when held down will make the aim work
- ✅ FOV Size - the size of the area within which the aimbot will select targets
- ✅ Draw FOV - show FOV area as a circle around the sight
- ✅ Sensitivity - smoothness of aimbot movements, responsible for aiming speed
- ✅ Bone - select body parts that the aimbot will aim at
- ✅ Mark Target - mark the current target of the aimbot
- ✅ Skip Zombies - do not select monsters as targets for the aimbot
- ✅ Crosshair - static crosshair in the middle of the screen
- ✅ Teleport to Boss 0 select the boss you want to teleport to
- ✅ Teleport to Silo - teleport to any Securement Silos
- ✅ Teleport to Town - move to any town in the game
- ✅ Teleport to Boxes - teleport to the boxes you see using ESP
- ✅ Teleport to Animals - teleport to animals visible in ESP
- ✅ Teleport to Zombies - teleportation to monsters
- ✅ Teleport to Players - move to players
- ✅ Teleport to Storage Boxes - tp to storage boxes
- ✅ Teleport to Unknown Objects - tp to unexplored objects
- ✅ Teleport to Corpses - TP to corpses with loot