- ✅ Enabled - Enable/Disable ESP
- ✅ Players ESP - wh against players
- ✅ Bots ESP (Ai) - wh against bots
- ✅ Visible Check - players behind the wall and in line of sight will be colored differently
- ✅ Corpse - corpses of players and bots
- ✅ In Vehicle - show players in vehicles
- ✅ Boxes (Corner, 2D Boxes, Filled) - wh in the form of boxes
- ✅ Skeleton - wh in the form of skeletons
- ✅ Distance - distance to targets
- ✅ Snaplines - wh in the form of lines
- ✅ Max Distance - limit the operating distance of the ESP
- ✅ Custom Colors - setting colors for ESP
- ✅ Enemy Only (If this option is activated, the ESP will not show allies)
- ✅ Team Name (Show player faction names)
- ✅ Loot Boxes - show the location of the boxes with loot
- ✅ Loot Boxes Condition - state of the boxes (closed or open)
- ✅ Dropped Items - showing items lying on the ground
- ✅ Item Type - item type (weapon, ammo, etc.)
- ✅ Item Name - names of items
- ✅ Loot List - show a list of nearby loot as a list in the corner of the screen
- ✅ Weapons - ESP loot shows where weapons are located
- ✅ Attachments - show weapon modules
- ✅ Ammo - ammunition location
- ✅ Provision - items related to food/drinks
- ✅ Armor - various armor and other clothing
- ✅ Containers - objects that contain other objects
- ✅ Medicine - items related to medicine and treatment
- ✅ Grenades - show grenades
- ✅ Max Distance - set the maximum range for Loot ESP
- ✅ Custom Colors - customize colors for items to your taste
- ✅ Radar - a radar appears on the screen showing various information
- ✅ Scale - radar scale
- ✅ Size Point - size of points on the radar
- ✅ Players - show players on the radar
- ✅ Dropped Items - show loot on the radar
- ✅ Loot Boxes - show loot boxes on the radar
- ✅ Colors - the ability to customize colors for the radar