- ✅ Players (Total players/PMCs/Scavs/Bots/Bosses)
- ✅ Items (Above 100K, Above 250K, Above 500K, Above 1KK)
- ✅ Selected items (On the ground/In bodies/In containers)
- ✅ Maps - reveals the location of maps with terrain plans
- ✅ Chams style (Latex/Glow) (custom color)
- ✅ Chams settings (Effect power/Intensity/Additional colors)
- ✅ Show ammo count (custom color)
- ✅ Crosshair (custom color)
- ✅ Custom color for each category
- ✅ Use global settings
- ✅ Enable
- ✅ Draw distance
- ✅ Draw price
- ✅ Short names
- ✅ Max distance
- ✅ Font size
- ✅ Hide in aim
- ✅ Hide in battle mode
- ✅ Show only on hover
- ✅ Category list (Weapons, Ammo, Ammo box, Magazines, Sights, Suppressors, Tactical devices, Weapon parts, Special equipment, Repair, Keys, Barter, Containers, Maps, Provisions, Clothing, Meds, Currency)
- ✅ Quest items (custom color)
- ✅ Enable filter
- ✅ Filter min price