- ✅ Enable (Hold, Toggle, Always) - enable aimbot
- ✅ Visible Check - check for visibility, fire only at visible targets
- ✅ Silent Aimbot - a powerful type of aim, bullets hit targets in the FOV zone, but the sight and camera do not twitch
- ✅ Bullet Manipulation - allows you to hit targets behind obstacles, including impenetrable ones
- ✅ Instant Hit - bullets instantly reach the target, damage is dealt instantly
- ✅ Autofire (Hold, Toggle, Always) - auto-shooting with the help of an aimbot, in this mode you don't even need to shoot yourself
- ✅ FOV (Show FOV, Color) - setting the size of the aiming area, you can also visually show it, change the color (aim circle)
- ✅ Show Target (On enemy, Under crosshair) - show the current aimbot target visually
- ✅ Bones (Head, Neck, Arms, Stomach, Pelvis, Feet) - select different hitboxes to fire at
- ✅ Target Roles (Pmc, Boss, Follower, Scav, Bot, Team) - selection of targets by roles, separate settings against different types of enemies
- ✅ Target Selection (Closest to crosshair, Closest by distance, Lowerest HP) - priority of target selection
- ✅ Max distance - maximum range of the aim (in meters)
- ✅ Autowall (Minimum damage, Visible priority) - in this mode, aim fires through walls if possible
- ✅ Silent Melee - Silent Aimbot for Melee Weapons
- ✅ Rapid Fire - allows you to shoot any weapon as a machine gun (in automatic mode)
- ✅ Force Body Aim - when using this key, the aim will be aimed at the body
- ✅ Target Lock - fixing the aim on the target until it is destroyed or fire ceases
- ✅ Magic Grenade - a customizable aimbot for grenades, allows you to accurately throw grenades at a distance of up to 500 meters
- ✅ Player ESP - display of characters of different roles (Pmc, Boss, Follower, Scav, Bot, Team)
- ✅ Chams (Primary/Secondary) - flexible configuration of chams, you can combine several types of chams
- ✅ Glow effect type for Chams - various chams style settings, available different chams textures and glow effects
- ✅ Skeleton ESP - wh in the form of skeletons
- ✅ Box ESP - wh in the form of boxes
- ✅ Health ESP - show targets' HP (as a bar/text)
- ✅ Ammo ESP - the number of bullets players have
- ✅ Weapon ESP - weapons in the hands of players
- ✅ Render Distance (1-1500m) - setting the range of WH operation
- ✅ Out of FOV arrows - arrows showing characters outside the screen
- ✅ Distance - distance to displayed ESP targets
- ✅ Visible Check - colors characters behind walls and in direct line of sight differently
- ✅ Player Stats (Game edition, K/D, Lvl, Time online and more) - show player statistics and information about their profile in the game
- ✅ PMC Faction (Bear / Usec) - PMC faction
- ✅ Streamers - show streamers in the raid and links to their channels
- ✅ Bots ESP - wh shows all types of ai
- ✅ Hide Scav and Bot names - allows you to hide the names of bots and scavs
- ✅ Show Hitmarkers - draw markers where bullets hit
- ✅ Show Bullet tracers - draw traces of bullet trajectories
- ✅ Show weapon info - show information about weapon (fire mode, bullets in the magazine, etc.)
- ✅ Show Penetration Chance - Shows the chance of penetration in % (when aiming at an object)
- ✅ Hitsound (Hit/Head/Volume) - sound when hitting an enemy/head, volume setting available
- ✅ Sun Ambient changer - allows you to change the visual (atmosphere) of the sky and the sun
- ✅ Time Changer - set any time of day
- ✅ Weather controller (Clouds density, Rain intensity, Fog, Thunder) - you can set any weather
- ✅ Show Exfils (Only Open, Condition) - show exits
- ✅ Show stationary weapons - display stationary weapons
- ✅ Show Landmines (Colors, zones, invisible only) - display of mines
- ✅ Show grenades (Frag, Smoke, Stun) - show thrown grenades
- ✅ Custom Colors - color settings to your taste for all visual features in the software
- ✅ Show Sniper Zones - show sniper zones (Kill Zones)
- ✅ Self Price - displaying the cost of your inventory
- ✅ Light Source - shows light sources, setting light sources
- ✅ Show Transit Points - show points for transition between locations