- ✅ Not Interruptable - you cannot be dragged away from the generator, totem, etc.
- ✅ Run with flashlight - running with a flashlight on
- ✅ Useful Modifiers - lets you see your traces, no slowdown after falling
- ✅ Auto Skillcheck - automatic skill check
- ✅ Wiggle Skillcheck - Help with Skill Check for Wiggle (wiggles and others)
- ✅ Type - skillcheck type (Great, Good, Random)
- ✅ Type - skillcheck type (Great, Good, Random)
- ✅ Magic Flashlight - allows you to blind the killer even through walls
- ✅ Flashlight Aimbot - aim assist while using a flashlight
- ✅ Show Blind Progress - indicator showing the killer's blindness status
- ✅ Instant Escape - allows you to escape at any time, even when you are on the hook
- ✅ Trap Immunity - Gives you immunity to any assassin traps
- ✅ Crosshair - crosshair on screen
- ✅ Action Speed - modifier of the speed of actions (interaction with objects and not only)
- ✅ FOV Changer - change viewing angle
- ✅ Freecam - free camera mode
- ✅ Disable blackbars - allows you to play in 4:3 resolution without black bars
- ✅ Lightings - allows you to set custom sky and lighting
- ✅ Dash - analog of speedhack, allows you to move faster with the help of dashes
- ✅ Change Redstain Color - Allows you to change the killer's red glow to any other color
- ✅ Unlock All Skins - Opening all skins/trinkets
- ✅ Unlock All DLCs - unlocks all add-ons for free
- ✅ Temporary Savefile - temporary save file
- ✅ Advanced Skin Control - detailed skin management
- ✅ CFG System - config system
- ✅ Color Settings - visual color settings for ESP / WH
- ✅ Prestige Level - allows you to set the desired prestige level
- ✅ Binds - binding any keys to activate various features in the software
- ✅ Prestige Level - allows you to set the desired prestige level
- ✅ Binds - binding any keys to activate various features in the software