- ✅ Players ESP - esp showing players
- ✅ Line - wh in the form of lines
- ✅ Distance - distance to targets (in meters)
- ✅ Bone (Skeleton) - wh in the form of skeletons
- ✅ Player Name - nicknames of players
- ✅ Head - highlight the hitbox of the players' heads separately
- ✅ Weapon - show what item (weapon) the player has in his hands
- ✅ Health ESP (Bar, Text) - ESP showing the amount of HP of players using text or a bar (indicator)
- ✅ Zombie ESP - enable zombie wh
- ✅ Animals ESP - activate wh for animals
- ✅ Max Distance - limit esp range
- ✅ Enable Item ESP - wh showing various loot
- ✅ Weapons - firearms, melee weapons
- ✅ Ammo - ammunition
- ✅ Clothes - everything that is worn by the character
- ✅ Vehicles - cars, spare parts
- ✅ Food / Drinks - provision
- ✅ Bags - bags, backpacks
- ✅ Boxes - chests with the loot inside (containers)
- ✅ Tent - tents, camp items
- ✅ Distance - distance to displayed objects
- ✅ Max Distance - allows you to limit the range of the ESP
- ✅ Active Aimbot - enable aimbot, aiming assistance when shooting
- ✅ Aimbot Key - the button that when pressed will make the aim work
- ✅ FOV Size - aimbot working zone
- ✅ Draw FOV - show aimbot working zone as a circle around the crosshair
- ✅ Sensitivity - sensitivity of aim movements
- ✅ Bone - body part (hitbox) for aiming
- ✅ Magic Bullets - teleport bullets to targets (through any obstacles)
- ✅ Skip Infecteds - if enabled, aim will ignore zombies and animals
- ✅ Mark Target - visually highlight the current aimbot target
- ✅ Vector Aimbot - if you don't turn on magic bullets, the aim will be vector, simulating human mouse movements