- ✅ Global Settings - this part of the aim tab contains settings common to all weapons
- ✅ Enable - enable/disable the aimbot feature as a whole
- ✅ Visible Check - check for visibility, fire only at targets in direct line of sight
- ✅ Enemy Only - aim only against enemy characters, disable if you play in DM
- ✅ Flash Check - checks for blindness, disables AIM when you are blinded
- ✅ Switch Delay - the length of the delay between the aimbot changing its target
- ✅ Aim Key - key binding which, when held down, will cause aiming to work
- ✅ Draw FOV - show the size of the FOV area on the screen using a circle around the crosshair
- ✅ FOV Color - the color of the circle line that shows the size of the FOV area of the aim
- ✅ Separate settings for each weapon - separate settings for each weapon
- ✅ Copy Settings for Weapon Group - copy the settings of this weapon to all weapons of its type
- ✅ Copy Settings for all weapons - copy these settings for all weapons in the game
- ✅ Enable - enable/disable aimbot operation specifically for this weapon
- ✅ FOV - the size of the area within which the aimbot will select targets for aiming
- ✅ Smooth - the strength of smoothing the aimbot's movements, the higher the value, the smoother and slower the AIMBOT
- ✅ Bones - selection of body parts that the aimbot will target during its work
- ✅ RCS - Recoil Control System, works during shooting using an aimbot
- ✅ RCS Bullet - the bullet (shot) number after which RCS will start working
- ✅ RCS FOV - the FOV radius within which RCS will work, may be larger than the aim radius as a whole
- ✅ RCS Scale - the power of recoil reduction using RCS
- ✅ TriggerBot - enable/disable triggerbot, auto-shoot when target enters your sight
- ✅ Trigger Key - the key that, when held down, will cause the triggerbot to work
- ✅ Trigger Shot Delay - duration of intervals between trigger shots (in ms)
- ✅ Enable - enable/disable features for displaying players using WH
- ✅ Visible Only - if you activate this parameter, then the WH will work only for those players who are not behind the walls
- ✅ Visible Check - targets behind walls and in direct line of sight are painted in different colors
- ✅ Boxes ESP - ESP in the form of boxes
- ✅ Boxes Style - box style, corners only or whole boxes
- ✅ Lines - lines to player models (Snaplines)
- ✅ Head - outline the head hitbox separately
- ✅ Skeleton - wh in the form of skeletons
- ✅ Arrows - arrows showing players off-screen
- ✅ Chams - full coloring of enemy models using color or texture (material)
- ✅ Chams Material - choice of style (material) of chams
- ✅ Glow - outline of character silhouettes and its style
- ✅ Health Bar - an indicator showing the amount of HP players have
- ✅ Weapon - a weapon in a person's hands, text or icon
- ✅ Name - player's nickname
- ✅ ESP Preview - preview of how ESP will look with your settings, on the right in the menu