- ✅Enable - enable aimbot, aim assist when shooting
- ✅Ignore Knocked - ignore knocked enemies
- ✅Visible Check - select only enemies not behind a wall as targets
- ✅FOV - the size of the working area for the aimbot
- ✅Draw FOV - show the aimbot's area of operation using a circle
- ✅Bind (2 Keys) - ability to bind 2 keys to activate aim
- ✅Smooth (2 pieces) - smoothness of aimbot movements, higher value - weaker aim, 2 values (for 2 aim keys)
- ✅Lock Target - fixes the aimbot on the target until it is destroyed or shooting stops
- ✅Bone (Head | Neck | Chest | Stomach | Nearest) - hitboxes (body parts) that the aim will target
- ✅RCS (Recoil Control System) - recoil control system, the value is set horizontally (X) and vertically (Y)
- ✅TriggerBot (Bind, Delay, Distance) - triggerbot makes a shot for you when an enemy is in your sights, you can choose the key, delay and distance
- ✅Enemy Only - aimbot and trigger only work against enemy characters
- ✅Box ESP (Default | Outline | Filled) - wallhack in the form of boxes (standard, with outline, with dark background)
- ✅Knocked - show knocked with WH in a separate color
- ✅Skeleton ESP (Thickness) - esp in the form of skeletons + adjusting the thickness of the skeleton lines
- ✅Glow (Default | Vis Only | Invis Only | Flat) - outline of character silhouettes
- ✅Name - players' nicknames
- ✅Distance - distance in meters to players
- ✅Health - полоска показывающая количество ХП
- ✅Shield - a bar of shields on top of the HP bar
- ✅Weapon (Text, Icon) - weapon in the hands of opponents (text or icon)
- ✅Offscreen ESP - arrows showing players outside your screen
- ✅Draw Info (Kills, Rank, Lvl, Team) - information about players
- ✅Draw Seer - use bar to display HP and armor in game interface style
- ✅Max Distance - Wallhack operating range
- ✅Text Background - dark background for text, for better contrast
- ✅Loot ESP - wh showing the location of objects
- ✅Icon (Default | Game | Size) - show loot using icons
- ✅Name - names of objects
- ✅Lobe - loot from the character Loba
- ✅Glow (Default | Outline | Filled) - outline of object models
- ✅Distance - distance to objects
- ✅Max Distance - operating range of Loot ESP
- ✅Text Background - add background behind text
- ✅Death Boxes - boxes of players' corpses
- ✅Categories (Weapon, Gear, Regen, Attachments, Ammo, Special) - loot filter by category
- ✅Custom Loot Filter - you can fine-tune the display of loot, include the specific item you need
- ✅Smart Loot - ability to display only the amount of ammo you need (slider)